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eScential SOY's devotion to the Heavenly Father & Messiah: The Way, The Truth, and The Life

At eScential SOY, our devotion to the Heavenly Father & Messiah is the foundation for all we do. As we reflect on our journey, we are filled with deep gratitude for the One who has guided us through every challenge and victory, the Messiah. This belief, along with our reverence for our Heavenly Father, forms the foundation upon which we build our business and lives, shaping our every decision and filling our souls with peace.

We believe with all our hearts that the Messiah is the way, the truth, and the life. There is no other path to the Father except through Him. He is the living bread, the One who sustains us when everything else falls away. In Him, we find the strength to keep going and the nourishment to fulfill our purpose, as our Heavenly Father intended.

The Messiah is the Source of Peace. Through Him, we experience a peace, a calm that steadies us even in the most uncertain times. He is the light of the world, and that same light guides us at eScential SOY as we strive to honor our Heavenly Father through our work. Just as He leads His flock with compassion as the Shepherd, we seek to create products that nurture the soul, filling homes with peace and purpose.

We believe the Messiah was a healer and a miracle worker when He walked the earth, and we believe He still performs miracles today. We see His hand in the growth of our business, in the lives He touches, and in the hearts we are privileged to serve. No matter what we face, we trust that the Messiah is able to do exceedingly more than we could ever ask or imagine, empowered by our Heavenly Father's will.

We hold firm in the belief that He gave His life as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and that after three days, He rose victorious from the grave, conquering sin and death once and for all. Today, He is seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding on behalf of all who believe in Him.

At eScential SOY, we invite you to embark on this uplifting journey with us. As we create products infused with love, intention, and faith, our aim is to bring light into your lives. Our candles are not merely sources of fragrance; they serve as reminders of the peace, hope, and joy that stem from our relationship with the Messiah and our Heavenly Father.

With every gentle glow from our wicks, may you feel His warmth enveloping your home. We hope our products encourage you to reflect, pray, and nurture a deeper bond with the Creator. Together, let us embrace the way, the truth, and the life that leads us to a future filled with purpose, light, and everlasting love. Through all of life’s ups and downs, we are reassured by this truth: the Messiah is with us, guiding us to the Father and granting us eternal life.

Thank you for being part of our community, where we share not just products but the blessings of faith and fellowship.

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